Tuesday, 10 December 2013

~Dinner and dance + Graduation!!!~

Hello, :)
Last week on Thursday we had our Year 6 dinner and dance! The food was great and so was the music... This week we had our graduation where everyone got awards... It was great!!!
D: I'm sad I'm leaving primary... I'll be in intermediate next year :)
Thanks for visiting my blog :) 


Monday, 21 October 2013

~Improper and mixed fractions~ShowMe~

For this week and last week we had 2 groups and we would work on MF (Mixed fractions) and IF. (Improper fractions) This is my evidence using ShowMe that I have learnt and I know how to solve MF and IF.
Enjoy the ShowMe!

I thought that changing from Improper to Mixed was easier than changing form mixed to improper.  Sometimes you don't know your times tables that fast so you have to take time and calculate.  I liked how we used materials for the first part  of the lesson and then we had to use our heads to make sure we understood.


Monday, 14 October 2013

~Term 4!~


It's been a long time since I've posted. I've had a great holiday... I've been busy at the same time. :P I hope you have had a good holiday! :D Also...it's a new term! Swimming, graduation, end of year disco... LOTS OF STUFF! Thats all I have to say... Please check back again! :)

~Sophia :D

Monday, 23 September 2013

~400 Words~Writing~

In these few weeks we have been doing a story that has 400 words or less. Some of people in room 20 are going to enter our story's into a competition to win $400!
Here's the link: CLICK HERE

~Sophia :D

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Hey guys!
This time for homework we had to think about how we could sell our self, if you get confused it's kind of like selling a doll based on you. Me and Catherine got together and this is what we made! :D


~Sophia :P

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

~Should we ban plastic?~Argument~

Hay Hay!
This is my 2nd argument I did on 'Should we ban plastic?'. I think i did better than the one before (sailing around the world) because I used more information to support the reason/opinion. 
What do you think? Please comment!

~Sophia :P

~Sailing around the world~Argument~

This is my argument that I created. I had to the argument in an order: Introduction, bad, good, bad, good, bad, good and then the conclusion. Once I finished drafting and revising it I published it.

~Sophia :)